How do I upload podcast episodes to YouTube
The easiest way to upload podcast episodes to YouTube is using the podcast's RSS feed.
- Visit the Upload page
- Click Add Podcast, add the URL of the podcast RSS feed and click Continue.
- You should see a list of the podcast's episodes. Select the ones you want to upload to YouTube and click Confirm Selection. You can search or sort by columns to find the episodes you're looking for.
- Audioship will fetch the audio and the metadata of your episodes including title, description and artwork.
- You may edit the video title, description, privacy status and image for each or all episodes.
- To edit an episode description, select Custom and edit what's already in the box.
If you like to use a template for all your video descriptions, choose Use Template under each video and edit the template by clicking the following icon, located next to the podcast title, right above the episode video cards.In the template editor, you may use tags like <episode-date> to pull the date of the episode from the RSS episode entry. Use the preview below the editor to see your changes before clicking Save Template.
- To schedule when a video goes public, select Scheduled in the Privacy Status dropdown menu and choose the date and time you like. Those videos will still be uploaded to your channel but will remain private before going public.
To change privacy setting or schedule all videos at once, select the following icon, located next to the podcast title, right above the episode video cards. - To edit the background image of a video, click on the image and select or upload a new image. To revert back to the RSS episode artwork, click on the image again and select Use episode image from the podcast RSS at the top of the dialog.
To edit all background images at once, select the following icon, located next to the podcast title, right above the episode video cards.
- To edit an episode description, select Custom and edit what's already in the box.
- You may add or remove episodes by clicking Select Episodes at the bottom of the episode video cards.
- When you are ready to post your episodes to YouTube, click Post All Videos To YouTube at the top right of the page. Depending on how many episodes you're uploading and how long they are, this might take from a few minutes to hours. Closing the tab won't stop the process but you will not be able to properly see the progress anymore if you reload the page. To see your uploaded videos, go to Account page and scroll towards the bottom.