How do I upload audio to YouTube

1. Log in to Audioship using your Google account

  1. After visiting Audioship, click on Sign in with YouTube
  2. In the first pop-up dialog, pick the Google account you’d like to use.
  3. In the second pop-up dialog, click Allow. By clicking Allow, you’re giving Audioship a permission to post to your YouTube channel.
  4. You should now be back to Audioship, at the upload page. On the top left of the page, under Choose where to upload, you should see your YouTube channel.
  5. If no channel is selected, click the YouTube accounts dropdown menu and select Add YouTube account
  6. If there's no channel for your YouTube account, Audioship will display a notification.

2. Upload your audio file

  1. To select the audio file you want to upload, click on the big button in the center of the page with the label Upload your audio.
  2. When the file picker is displayed, navigate to the right folder and select the file you want to upload to YouTube. If you wish to upload multiple files to YouTube at once, you can select more than one file. Most common audio file formats are supported (MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, etc).
  3. After you pick your audio file, Audioship will create a video card and start uploading the file from your device. You will notice a progress bar at the bottom of the video card. When the audio upload is complete the progress bar will turn green. Large audio files might take several minutes to finish uploading, depending on the speed of your internet connection.

3. Pick the image you want as the background of your video

  1. Click on the image on the left side of the video card to open the image picker pop-up.
  2. At the Custom section you can upload your own image by clicking on the Upload picture button. Choose images under 10MB, preferably PNG format. Optimal image ratio is 16:9 (e.g. 1920x1080px) but any image dimensions will work. Choosing images with higher resolution will result in higher resolution video but won’t affect the audio quality. Depending on the size of your image and the speed of your internet connection, uploading and processing the image might take a few minutes. With a fast internet connection, images under 5MB take a few seconds to process.
  3. At the Cinemagraphs section you’ll find cinematic animations that loop seamlessly. Click on the right arrow to see all available cinemagraphs.
  4. At the Preset section you’ll find hand-picked, high-resolution images to use in your video.
  5. To proceed, click on the image or cinemagraph you’d like to use.
  6. If you are using the free version of Audioship, your video will contain a watermark. Audioship will warn you before publishing. You can remove the watermark, either by buying extra upload hours or by paying a one-time fee. See details here

4. Edit the metadata of your video

  1. In the video card, enter a title, description, category and tags.
  2. Make sure you select the right privacy status. If you don't want your video to be public, select Private in the dropdown. Otherwise, select Public.
  3. Any work that you have done so far will be saved as draft for 24 hours, unless you post your videos to YouTube before that.

5. Publish the video to your YouTube channel

  1. Confirm you have chosen your preferred image since you can’t change this after creating the video.
  2. Video metadata is editable later in YouTube, after creating and uploading the video.
  3. If your audio file is more than 15 minutes (e.g. podcast, dj mix, interview, radio recording, sermon, mixtape), make sure you have enabled your YouTube channel to accept long videos.
  4. Towards the top of the page, on the right side, you should be able to see an orange button with the label Post all videos to YouTube.
  5. Click the orange button to begin the video conversion and upload process. During this process the video card is hidden and a smaller message is shown indicating that your file is being processed. For a 4-minute video, this should not take more than 10 seconds.
  6. If that button is disabled (grey color), make sure your audio file has finished uploading to Audioship. The progress bar at the video card should be green. Also, make sure you have selected a YouTube channel (see Step 1).
  7. When finished processing, you should see the YouTube URL of your video. YouTube will take a few seconds to process your video so don't get alarmed if it won't play right away.
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